Newsletter Issue 13

ferncumbe friday

Friday 30th April 2021

a celebration of delilah’s life


Last Monday Haseley Class joined school adults in the hall, whilst other classes attended virtually, to celebrate Delilah’s life. We heard about Delilah’s courage and inspiring positivity, her love of the Spice Girls and school Nativity plays and the absolute joy which singing and dancing brought her. Darcey and Kai shared with us an extract from Mary Poppins, for a ‘supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’ sister who was ‘practically perfect in every way’. Led by Miss Morris, the children joined in with a rousing performance of ‘I’m Gonna Shine’ - the enthusiasm from everyone was clear to see, with plenty of smiles and wiggles on show! The school hall was filled with love as we remembered Delilah, and being bathed in sunlight from start to finish made it all the more special. It was a memory which will stay locked deep in our hearts forever. xxx

Mrs Stephenson has shared the following…

‘Delilah taught us a great deal in her too-short life. She showed incredible courage and a positive, sunny attitude as she faced many challenges. Delilah's smile was beaming, her giggle infectious and her approach to life - just inspiring. I will certainly try to be a bit more Delilah, always remembering the little girl who shone bright.

On Monday we shared some of Delilah's favourite music. Year One sang one of Delilah's favourite nativity songs as part of our remembrance and the words are very apt 'I'm gonna shine, shine, shine, til they follow me. I'm the brightest star that they've ever seen. I'm gonna thank you God 'cos they've chosen me, to help to light the way.'

We are so thankful that Delilah could be a part of our Ferncumbe family, and we are grateful that she lit up our lives. We pray that Paul, Ellie and Darcey feel God's loving arms around them as they face each day, and we thank them for sharing their beautiful girl with us.

Sleep tight Delilah, forever in our hearts.’


virtual class assemblies - dates for the diary

We are delighted to let you know the dates for the remaining virtual class assemblies. As with Years 5 and 6 in the Autumn Term, children will share with you some of their current learning via a remote live stream on Zoom. Each class will follow their assembly with celebratory tea and cake in the school hall. Further log-in details will be communicated to you by class teachers nearer the time.

Shrewley Class (Year 4) - Friday 14th May

Rowington Class (Year 3) - Friday 21st May

Honiley Class (Year 2) - Friday 18th June

Haseley Class (Year 1) - Friday 25th June

Hatton Class (Reception) - Friday 2nd July

1st Hatton Brownies 

Calling all parents, grandparents and guardians of girls aged 7 to 10 years!

Did you know 1st Hatton Brownies meets 6pm to 7.30pm every Monday evening at Ferncumbe Primary School?  (After Wren’s Nest). 

Brownies offers girls exciting opportunities to try new things and discover their potential.  They make their own decisions, learn new hobbies, develop skills and have adventures.  We go to special events, sleepovers and pack holidays and above all we have lots of fun….! 

1st Hatton Brownies currently have spaces for new girls and we are looking forward to making new friends.  We are meeting on Zoom at the moment, but look forward to having face-to-face meetings in the Summer Term! 

If you know a girl who would like to join in the fun, please call Tawny Owl on 07818 422150 for details.


With very best wishes for a lovely bank holiday weekend,

Tracey Webb, Deputy Headteacher

Staff Ferncumbe