Lowsonford Class

Age Related Expectations

Mrs White

Welcome to Lowsonford Class! Mrs White will be teaching Lowsonford this year. .

We are looking forward to another exciting term. The children are now the oldest in the school. Along with this comes some exciting responsibilities and the obvious expectation to be exemplary role models to other children in the school. We know they will all rise to this challenge and thrive on the responsibility.

Year six is an important part of the children’s educational journey. We will continue to develop their independence, organisational skills and personal responsibility in preparation for their transition to secondary school at the end of this academic year.

During this school year, we will continue to have high expectations of learning in school and when they are learning at home. In addition to this, we will prioritise the children’s mental and physical well-being. We will try and get outdoors to learn when we can, and enjoy sociable playtimes and lunchtimes together.

During our first week in Autumn Term, we had some productive discussions about mutual respect, hard work, including perseverance, team work and having fun! We decided that our key class values would be responsibility, thrive and fun.

We hope the children have great fun this year, work hard, and on the way, create some more great memories of their time in primary school.

Thank you for your continued support.

Mrs White

Each day your child will need to bring: -

·       A water bottle. This will be sent home daily so a clean one can be sent in the following day.

·       A reading book. The children are expected to read at home and at school every day.

·       A reading record book. Now they are in year 6, we encourage them to sign these when they have read alone.

·       PE kits should be worn to school on PE days and they can bring them on a Thursday for enrichment when they are doing yoga or PE.

·       A coat. We will continue to encourage them to be outside as much as possible.

Our Spring 2025 Topic will be World War II. Please see our topic overview below.

We have put a copy of the knowledge organisers in the children’s homework books.

Our Spring 2025 Topic will be World War II. Please see our topic overview below.

World War II – Our Knowledge Organiser. We have put a copy in the children’s homework books.


PE will be taught on a Monday and a Friday. The sessions will be based around Real Gym and Dance. Children MUST wear a full PE kit to school on these days. This includes black shorts and/or joggers, a white T-shirt and trainers. They can also wear their school jumper. We will be outside as much as possible so please dress for this.

In addition to PE, the children will continue to use the running track. We hope to continue to develop their physical health and see the benefits socially and emotionally from the break from the classroom.


We will continue teaching the children the PHSE curriculum using the Jigsaw scheme of learning.


Each week the children will be set a grammar or reading comprehension task to be completed for the following Monday.

We would also like the children to have 15 minutes per week practising their rapid recall of times tables and other known maths facts. E.g. doubles and half of numbers up to 100 and beyond, number bonds to 20, 50, 100, multiples of times table facts. E.g. 9 X 8 = 72, 90 X 8 = 720, 9 X 80 = 720 and 90 X 80 = 7200. It may be helpful to use websites such as Top Marks (Mental Maths Tests and Games (topmarks.co.uk). You will find LOTS of games to help the children practise their mental maths skills.

Each week, the children will also be set a MyMaths task. These will be set on a Monday and will need to be completed by the following Monday.

Also, the children will have the option to complete any of the creative tasks below. These are based upon our topic “Our Local Area”. The creative tasks cover a wide range of curriculum areas. This is optional but it would be great to see the children having a go at some of the activities!


It is vital the children read as much as possible. We have so many books in school and want ALL the children to develop a love for reading independently.

We hope they will become absorbed in books and challenge themselves. We hope they will share what they have read with you – these discussions are important to develop the children’s understanding and help them question what they have read. It is also brilliant if they can read books by lots of different authors. Through regular reading of challenging books, the children will build a rich vocabulary and identify techniques authors use in their work to be able to apply this to their own writing. Please use the link below to find a list of some great books to read.

You will see below a reading list for year 6. We do have some of these books in the classroom and I will be encouraging the children to read a few of these during year 6. We are still building up the collection. If any child would like to donate a book instead of bringing in sweets on their birthday, we would be most grateful.


And finally, please do ensure you sign up for the following learning highlights from Lowsonford Class via our private class twitter feed… www.twitter.com/LowsonfordClass

Recommended reading list

It’s important for children to read as much as possible; to enjoy reading; to want to share what they have read with someone else and to challenge themselves to read different authors from different periods of time. In this way the children will build a rich vocabulary and greater understanding of the techniques authors use in their work to be able to apply this in their own writing. Have a look at our recently updated recommended reading list below!