Haseley Class

Age Related Expectations

Welcome to Year One!

We are taught by Miss Constable. I am so excited to welcome your children back to school this term!

We will continue to promote high expectations in school whilst also ensuring that the social and emotional wellbeing of the children is prioritised.

Of course, our learning and progress is hugely supported by parents and carers at home so we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support!

Make sure you are following our twitter account (@HaseleyClass) for regular updates!

Miss Constable


Year 1 will have PE on a Tuesday and Thursday. Please ensure that your child comes into school wearing their PE kit on this day. It is really important they have a kit that is suitable for indoor and outdoor weather as we will be outside when the weather permits. Children should wear a white T-shirt. black/navy joggers and trainers. They should also wear their school jumper.


Each day, your child will need to bring the following into school:

  • A water bottle. This will be sent home each evening so a clean one can be sent in the following day.

  • Reading record and reading books. Your child should have this in school every day.

  • A coat (preferably waterproof). The children will be spending a lot of time outside!

Topic Information

This term in our topic lessons we will be learning about toys! We will be exploring toys from the past and observing how they have changed over time. Below is a knowledge organiser which outlines the vocabulary and discussions that will happen in the classroom. It would be great for you to explore this together with your child.


This year in Science, we will be learning about seasonal change. We will explore each season of the year and observe the changes that occur in each of them. For example, weather patterns. This term we will be focusing on autumn and winter.

This term we also learn about materials and their properties. Please take a look at the knowledge organisers below which outlines the vocabulary that we will be using throughout the term.


Each week your child is involved in a number of reading activities at school, including daily Read, Write, Inc. sessions. To build on this, your child should be reading regularly at home. Ideally this should be everyday. We encourage your child to read the book three times before we change it. This is so your child can practise any words they found tricky to read and to build on their fluency and comprehension skills. Please record any reading you do in your child’s reading record.

Your child will be heard by an adult at least once a week. As this might happen at any point over the week, it is really important that your child has their reading record in their bag every day.


Year One will have a variety of homework tasks each week. The expectation is that they complete the following.

  • My Maths- each week there will be tasks assigned for your child to complete. Their logins are in the front of their homework books.

  • Phonics- QR codes will be stuck into their books to help your child practise sounds they are learning in class.

    Spelling- a spelling activity will be stuck in their books to help them spell tricky words.

  • Oxford Owl- a reading task will be set each week to help your child develop their comprehension skills. Their logins are in the front of their homework books.

Recommended reading list

It’s important for children to read as much as possible; to enjoy reading; to want to share what they have read with someone else and to challenge themselves to read different authors from different periods of time. In this way the children will build a rich vocabulary and greater understanding of the techniques authors use in their work to be able to apply this in their own writing. Have a look at our recently updated recommended reading list below!