Newsletter Issue 12
ferncumbe friday
Friday 26th March 2021
wear yellow day
A reminder that school will be holding a 'Wear Yellow Day' on Wednesday 31st March - the last day of this term - in memory of Delilah Clemons.
Thank you to those of you who have already generously contributed to Ferncumbe's Just Giving page, set up in memory of Delilah and fundraising for the Children's Liver Disease Foundation. Please do feel free to make contributions to this page (link below), rather than your child bringing money in to school on ‘Wear Yellow Day’.
Wear Yellow Day 2020!
Thank you also for your messages of condolence and reflection, which can be read on our school website ‘Memories’ page. The family have found these words of great comfort.
I know you will join me in sending love, and keeping the Clemons family in our thoughts and prayers.
Tracey Webb
wellbeing in the woods!
All classes in school had the chance to visit Forest School last week. It served as the perfect opportunity for children to reconnect with each other, having spent so much time apart this year. A range of activities were carried out, including an exciting array of teambuilding challenges and some impressive artwork inspired by nature!
palm sunday service
Holy Trinity Church is holding a Palm Sunday service on Sunday 28th March and the donkeys will be attending as usual. They will leave school at 9.45am and parade round to church for the service. All are welcome to join the walk around to church.
Details of other Easter services are as follows….
Palm Sunday. Sunday 28th March (British Summer Time begins)
8.30am Holy Communion St Mary’s Haseley
9.45am We gather outside Ferncumbe School for Palm Sunday Procession to Hatton Church for 10am Service of Holy Communion
6pm Evensong Honiley Church
Good Friday 2nd April 2021
12 noon Service of Music and Meditating upon the Cross at Holy Trinity, Hatton Church.
7.30pm Meditation on the Cross. Rowington Church.
Easter Day 4th April 2021
8.30am Holy Communion St Mary’s Haseley
8.30am Holy Communion St Laurence Rowington.
10.00am Holy Communion Holy Trinity Hatton
10.30am Holy Communion St John the Baptist, Honiley
message from warwickshire school health and wellbeing service
Support for Parents/Carers
We appreciate that this is a particularly difficult time for parents/carers. As a way of providing additional support we have available, between Monday to Friday, a text messaging service which is staffed by experienced nurses. Parents/carers are free to text the nurse and to discuss any concerns they have regarding their child.
With very best wishes for a lovely weekend, and for a peaceful Easter break which is almost upon us,
Tracey Webb, Deputy Headteacher