Newsletter Issue 16
Ferncumbe Friday
friday 26th may 2023
e-safety week
This week at Ferncumbe, we have been raising the profile of E-Safety by celebrating Safer Internet Week. This year, the theme was “Want to talk about it?” and in classrooms, we explored what this means to us. Have a look below to see some of the fabulous learning that has been taking place and the big messages that each class decided to focus on.
Haseley class
In Haseley class, we talked about the things we like to do online. First, we looked at all the different games we like to play online. Then we looked at other things we can do with technology and ranked them from our most favourite things to do to our least favourite thing to do. We had lots of interesting discussions about what we like to do online and how we can stay safe whilst we are having fun doing these things.
Miss Forbes
Wroxall class have explored E-Safety this week over 3 lessons. With Mrs Eaves, we looked at how to break down problems we encounter online, by using Lego as part of the discussion. In Jigsaw, we explored all the great things about tech and the negative effects it can have on our social, emotional and physical health. On Thursday, we ranked online issues as part of our discussion on how to deal with problems and then acted out some scenarios to imagine solutions to what we may encounter.
This week, Year 6 have been thinking about how parents may need help with helping their children stay safe online. They have designed and produced PowerPoints to help parents. In our Jigsaw lessons we have looked at the SMARRT acronym and what it means. They have used this to help them to design and make the presentations.
In online safety week, Year 4 have been thinking about if they can trust what they see online. We have been learning about editing images in computing this half term and considering why people might edit or post fake photos online. We had fun trying this week looking for clues in a range of photographs to see which were real and which had been faked - I wonder if you can tell which of the photos above has been faked? We then looked at how many pictures we might see on social media are heavily edited and discussed how this can affect young people who see them.
We also had some really valuable discussions about how we can keep ourselves safe online and who we can talk to if we come across something that worries us.
Miss Reid
Rowington Class
As part of online safety week, we have explored how to keep ourselves safe online. We discussed how sometimes things go wrong online and who we can turn to when this happens. The internet can be a great thing, as long as we use it safely. We also made posters to help others understand how to keep themselves safe online.
Miss Blackwell
E-Safety help for parents and carers
If any parents would like to meet to discuss their child’s online safety at any point, please do get in contact with Miss Forbes, who would be happy to help in any way she can. Please do also look at these links below for some guidance on setting safe boundaries and setting up safe accounts.
Brilliant Book Fair
Year 4 pupils with some of the books purchased and donated to the school library from the book fair
Thank you so very much for your generous support of the book fair last week. It was great to have such a variety of high quality texts in school to offer and both ourselves and Hunt’s Independent Bookshop (who supplied the books) were overwhelmed by your support! As we did so well, Hunt’s Bookshop have agreed to increase our commission from the sales we achieved, so I now have the pleasure of ordering hundreds of pounds worth of lovely books (at cost price!) for the school library and class bookshelves. A reminder that we always welcome donations of quality pre-loved books to refresh our library stocks too, so next time your children are putting aside books they no longer read, please do think of us!
Many thanks again for your generosity and support, I look forward to updating you when our wonderful new books arrive.
Miss Reid
message from rev. ann peachey
We’re really pleased to have opened up our new Drop off and Drop In time at Hatton Church on Wednesday mornings at 8.45am this term. Come along next half term and have a tea/coffee, chat, play for the little ones and relax mid week. We’re open at school drop off time and would love you to park at church and walk across the field to school if you can. It’d be great to see you there.
We’ve got lots to look forward to next term - Sunday 11th June our Ferncumbe Family Service at 10 am at Hatton Church and Thursday 15th June Alive 23, the Diocesan schools Praise Party and Picnic at Stoneleigh for KS2. We’re looking forward to having lots of fun together.
Have a wonderful half term holiday and I look forward to seeing you soon.
God bless
Rev Ann Peachey
Warwickshire Educational Psychologist team have produced two webinars to help support parents and children with the transitions of moving to and leaving primary, as well as joining secondary school. Please follow the link for further information…
A reminder that school is holding an INSET day on Monday 5th June. We look forward to welcoming children back to school on Tuesday 6th.
With very best wishes to you all for a happy, peaceful and sunny half-term break,
Tracey Webb, Head of School