Newsletter Issue 8
Ferncumbe Friday
Friday 12th January 2024
A very happy new year to you, I do hope you all had an enjoyable Christmas break. The children have certainly made an enthusiastic start to their learning this term.
We have a few recent staff changes in school; Mrs Samantha Folkes and Mrs Stacy Thomson are welcomed to the Ferncumbe team as Learning Support Assistants. We also look forward to welcoming Mr Jones back, and thank Mrs Russell and Mrs Jones who covered during his absence.
this term’s learning and class assembly dates for the diary
Please refer to class pages on the school website (under the ‘Curriculum’ tab) for an update on what your child will be learning this term. Do also come along and share in your child’s learning by watching their class assembly. These will take place on the following dates, at 9am in the school hall… we would love to see you!
Thursday 1st Feb - Shrewley Class (Year 4)
Thursday 8th Feb - Wroxall Class (Year 5)
Thursday 22nd Feb - Rowington Class (Year 3)
Thursday 29th Feb - Honiley Class (Year 2)
Thursday 7th March - Haseley Class (Year 1)
Lowsonford (Year 6) and Hatton (Reception) class teachers will confirm summer term dates for their assemblies in due course.
*New* Monthly online safety newsletter
This month we launch our brand new monthly Online Safety Newsletter, in partnership with Knowsley City Learning Centre. These newsletters are designed to support you with keeping your children safe online and are full of valuable information. It includes articles and advice about a range of internet related matters, activities and games that children may experience.
You will have been emailed the January 2024 edition today so do give it a read.
Haseley Class
This term our Year One children are very lucky to be having African drumming lessons with Kieron from Warwickshire Music. This week the children had their first lesson! They had a great time and are very excited to learn more African songs. Great job Year One!
Miss Constable
3, 2, 1 blast off
On Tuesday 5th December, Wroxall class went to the Leicester Space Centre to further their knowledge and understanding of Earth and Space. Mrs Webb informed me that everyone had a great time and enjoyed learning about Tim Peake, the life of stars and how we can save our oceans. They really enjoyed the Planetarium where they found out about how Astronauts complete their training and what their lives are like in the International Space Station. And how many steps were there to the top of the rocket tower? A LOT! Well Done Year 5.
Mrs Eaves
Lowsonford Class
This week, Year 6 have settled back into the routines really well. They are very excited to start our new topic – World War II. They are also enjoying our new class book – Goodnight Mister Tom.
Mrs White
RSPB Big Schools’ Birdwatch
On Thursday 25th January, Wroxall Class will be taking part in this year’s bird count. We will quietly explore the grounds and beyond to see what birds we can tally, after having brushed up on our common species and written some fantastic Guides To Birdwatching. Parents please feel free to join us! We will begin at 9am and be outside for an hour, so you will need your warmest clothes and a coffee! More details to come.
For all Ferncumbe families, however, there is the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch, where as a family or individual you can take part and help to build the national picture of our country’s bird population health. It is easy to take part and you needn’t even leave your cosy home!
Mrs Grier
Shrewley Class
For our DT project at the end of last term, Year 4 designed and made torches. It was quite a challenge but with teamwork, perseverance and using our knowledge of electrical circuits from science, we succeeded! We then tested and evaluated our designs and noted improvements to be made.
Miss Reid
Science Week Project Launch
On Wednesday, Mrs Grier gave an assembly to the school about the approaching Science Week, beginning 19th February. She explained that every pupil would be given 3 homeworks between now and then to complete a project of their choosing, on any science topic they would like. Please look out for the e-mail coming home this week, which outlines what we would like the children to do and includes links to a wealth of possible ideas. The children will share their projects with each other in a Science Fair on the first Monday back after half term. Thank you in advance for all of your support and don’t forget that we are expecting age appropriate projects, so we know that our younger, KS1 and Reception pupils will be creating something much simpler than our KS2 pupils!
Diversity cross art project
Our Diversity Cross artists
A number of children from Key Stage Two have been involved in designing and creating a cross for a MAT Art project. The finished pieces, produced by children from all of the MAT schools, illustrate the diversity in how Christians across the globe represent this symbol of their faith. The crosses will be displayed in each of the schools throughout the coming year. Our pupils took on the challenge of representing the Salvadoran Cross and did a fantastic job. They represented our hope for a more peaceful word for all through the use of bright colours and symbols.
Mrs Stephenson
Happy new year from the Friends of Ferncumbe!
We have many more events lined up for 2024, starting with our adults only quiz night, tickets on sale from today. This usually sells out quickly, so book asap.
Click here for tickets…
Save the date for our family Easter bingo night on Friday 15th March, more details coming soon.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
With best wishes for a lovely weekend,
Tracey Webb, Head of School