Newsletter Issue 1
Ferncumbe Friday
Friday 16th September 2022
welcome back!
It has been an incredibly busy start to the new term and everyone has returned refreshed and ready to start another year of exciting learning. It is always lovely to hear how the children have enjoyed the summer holiday and are settling into their new classrooms.
We have also welcomed lots of new children and families to our school community for the very first time. Hatton Class have settled in incredibly well, are making a positive start and already clearly being made to feel very much part of the Ferncumbe Family.
We also extend a warm welcome to new pupils and parents in other year groups.
Welcome to The Ferncumbe Family, Hatton Class!
our school vision
Each class spent time during the first week back in school thinking about our School Vision and what it looks like in action. Pupils also created their own class prayers and charters whilst thinking about values important to our school. Here are prayers written by some of the classes:
Year 1
Year 4
Year 6
If any parents are interested in being a part of a SEN Parents Forum then please register your interest by emailing the school office. Mrs Adcock, SENCO, would like to invite one parent from each year group to join.
The group will meet once a term with Mrs Adcock to discuss the SEN provision at The Ferncumbe, and is an opportunity to share ideas about how else we can help meet the needs of all children at our school in a constructive manner. Any parent is welcome to show interest. The meetings will be during school hours for approximately 1 hour.
Mrs Adcock
Arden Forest MAT Update
We welcomed two schools into the MAT on 1st September; Harbury C of E Primary School and Tanworth-in-Arden C of E Primary School and Nursery. We look forward to working with these schools as part of our collaborative partnership. The Arden Forest MAT now has nine primary schools who are all committed to working together in the interests of the children at our schools.
If you would like to learn more about the Trust, please visit the website:
Haseley Class
Year 1 have been learning about mixing colours and this week, we had a go at mixing reds, yellows and whites to see what would happen. The children showed great listening skills and I can’t wait to show you the end project at the end of the half term. Keep an eye out for our masterpieces… coming soon!
Miss Forbes
Honiley Class
This week in Year 2 we had our first ukulele lesson! We have learnt the different parts of the ukulele and two new songs. Keep your eyes and ears peeled on Twitter to see how we're getting on!
Miss Constable
Rowington Class
What a first fortnight it has been in Rowington Class! Year 3 have been beginning to learn all about our topic, The Stone-Iron Age. We spent one of our art lessons exploring natural art resources and making our own cave drawings.
Miss Blackwell
Wroxall real Pe
What an amazing start to Real PE sessions! Wroxall class really enjoyed their ‘All change’ warm up. They all followed the instructions really well and tried to remember to change on the right with a high 5! Everyone showed great perseverance when practising the ball skills. It was so tricky to pass the ball in a figure of eight between our legs 16 times but everyone tried hard to improve. Throw tennis was a great success! The children worked hard as a team to follow the rules and even created their own rules to enhance the game.
Mrs Eaves
‘MEET THE TEACHER’ Parents’ EVENING - date for the diary
On Wednesday 28th September 2022 there will be the chance to visit your child(ren)’s classroom(s) and listen to a presentation by teachers regarding important information for the academic year 2022-2023. There will be two slots from which to choose (5.30pm and 6.15pm), which will allow you to visit more than one year group as needed.
We do encourage you to attend and look forward to welcoming as many parents as possible. There will be lots of sharing of information, and the opportunity to ask questions.
message from the Friends of Ferncumbe
Sponsorship request
We are looking to replace the iPads that we have in school as they are no longer fit for purpose. These iPads are first generation and are no longer supported by the Apple updates, which means we cannot use them in the classroom.
If you or your company think you would be able to sponsor us to get this tech or could make a donation to the school for some of the iPads, please do get in touch with Miss Forbes or the school office. No donation is too small and is very much appreciated!
bank holiday and inset day
A reminder that Monday 19th September has been designated a Bank Holiday and Monday 10th October is an INSET Day.
With very best wishes for a lovely weekend,
Tracey Webb, Head of School