Newsletter Issue 5

Ferncumbe Friday

Friday 18th November 2022

Today we all had great fun by wearing odd socks to school in recognition of Anti-Bullying Week. We were celebrating that we’re all unique, allowed to be ourselves and free from bullying. Do look out on class Twitter feeds for some great photos!

Christmas Costumes

A quick update that letters from class teachers will come home next week with information about costumes for the Christmas plays and carol service.

SENDIAS webinar to provide special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) support for families in Warwickshire

Warwickshire County Council is hosting another special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) webinar on Monday 21 November covering the support available for families through Warwickshire SENDIAS.

Warwickshire’s Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information Advice and Support Service (SENDIAS) provides free and impartial information, advice and support to disabled children and young people, and those with SEND from birth to 25, and their parents and carers living in Warwickshire. The service is commissioned by Warwickshire County Council however all information and advice provided to families is completely impartial. 

A team of local advisers can assist families on all matters related to SEND including, but not limited to, speaking to schools about SEND support for their child, understanding professional reports as well as the law and local policy and going through the process of mediation and tribunals.

During the session, attendees will hear from members of the SENDIAS team who will explain their role and the support they can provide to families, and when and how this can be accessed. There will also be the opportunity to take part in a question-and-answer session.

The webinar will take place on Monday 21 November, 12.30pm - 1.30pm and you can register to attend at:  


Next week we welcome Miss Ella Venn to Ferncumbe as part of our Learning Support Assistant team. She will be supporting learning across Reception and Year 1, and also working some after school sessions at Wren’s Nest.

Hatton class

Hatton Class have been captivated by the book ‘Whatever Next’ this week. The classic story is about a little bear who flies to the moon before bathtime. How fitting that Artemis was launched successfully this week too. We enjoyed watching footage of this real rocket starting on it’s journey to the moon. We have had lots of questions about Space and we have had great fun retelling the story.

Mrs Stephenson

Haseley class

We have been looking at the seasons in Science in Year 1. Our tree is going through some changes at the moment as we are now in Autumn and Miss Forbes had us show this in our art lesson last week. We used our fingers to paint leaves on to a silhouette with all the colours of the leaves we can see. They look so beautiful!

Miss Forbes

Rowington Class

This week, Rowington Class have been enjoying exploring magnetism during our science lessons. Our topic this term is Forces and Magnets, so we hunted around our classroom to identify all of the magnetic metal.

Miss Blackwell


This week, Lowsonford class enjoyed a trip to the Jorvik Centre in York. The children were shown a number of pieces of evidence that archaeologists have dug up in York and they were spoken to by an archaeologist who explained what their role was. They listened to, and re-enacted, a Viking saga and took part in a ride on a monorail through a recreated Viking town. We learnt so much whilst we were there.

Mrs White

Wroxall Class

We are working on balance at the moment in PE and the class are doing really well with holding trickier positions, as well as working on their team skills to ‘Cross the River’ in the game we are playing too. They earned extra playtime on Friday for excellent communication and encouragement!

Shrewley class

In the past few weeks, we have been working on creating our own Ancient Egyptian-inspired scrolls in Art. We looked carefully at the patterns, colours and designs used in Ancient Egyptian art before trying a range of ideas and textures in our sketch books. After choosing our favourite colours and patterns, we came up with a final design. Last week, we made our own ‘papyrus’ using brown paper strips and this week, we have been transferring our designs to our ‘papyrus’. We will be completing our project next week and I am very much looking forward to seeing everyone’s finished artwork!

Miss Reid

With very best wishes for a lovely weekend,

Tracey Webb, Head of School

Staff Ferncumbe