Newsletter Issue 9
Ferncumbe Friday
Friday 28th January 2022
winning logo design!
Congratulations to Ben Harrison in Lowsonford Class! Ben designed the winning logo for Science Week 2022! We will use his logo for all our presentations, letters, certificates and awards! Ben can also help Mrs Grier in the science show (if he’d like to!) that will kick off the week. Well done!
The beat goes on….!
Lowsonford class have been learning all about the heart and our circulatory system this term. We began by learning about the chambers of the heart and the path of blood around the body. Some of us were able to move 10 litres of liquid from one tub to another in one minute – the same amount that the heart pumps – but most of us struggled!
Next, we wrote presentations for the class about our circulation and we were lucky enough to hear two circulation raps as well! What talent!
Most recently, we have learnt about blood, its components and why it is so important. Mrs Grier modelled a sample using water, dye, oil, glitter and marshmallows (and a bit of bicarb and vinegar to make it into a lava lamp!).
This week, we dissected real hearts to see inside this fascinating structure. We looked at how fatty they were, where the atria and ventricles could be found, how smooth it was and how the valves worked. The pupils were mature and took the task seriously - we learnt lots!
drama in lowsonford class
Last week, Year 6 really enjoyed acting out a scene from Much Ado About Nothing. They recreated the scene from the masked ball and took on different roles. They used their understanding of the characters to help them write diary entries for two different characters about the same event, looking at different points of view.
Shrewley Times tables superstars
We had a bumper week for awarding M Factor badges in Year 4 last week, with more to be given out today! Everyone has been working hard on mastering their times tables and the hard work is paying off. The children compete to beat their previous best scores against the clock in our weekly sessions and all pupils have been steadily increasing their speed and stamina. Keep up the good work everyone!
pe kit reminder
Please support your child with bringing their correct PE kit into school on PE days. As PE is sometimes taken outside please ensure they have an outdoor appropriate kit for use in the colder weather, such as warm tracksuit bottoms and top. Each class does have a supply of spare PE kit for your child to wear should they forget. Children are not able to participate in PE lessons in their school uniform.
Haseley class
In Jigsaw this half term, we have been thinking about our dreams and goals. This week, we had to think about breaking a goal down into 4 ‘stepping stones of success’, so Miss Forbes tasked us with thinking about how we could make a jam sandwich in only four moves. On Monday, we thought about it and planned it out and on Friday, we each got to make a jam sandwich, using the 4 steps. Some of us even managed it in 3. Well done Haseley class!
Roblox issues
Dear Parents/Carers,
We are having continued issues in school with children who are playing Roblox at home. There is a chat function on Roblox which allows children to ‘roast’ each other and this has become a sort of phenomenon. In short, ‘roasting’ someone is when you say something scathing and unkind to get a reaction from someone. Unfortunately, these conversations are making their way into school and there have been incidences where children are saying these unkind things to people to their faces and this is extremely upsetting.
This is a reminder to all parents and carers that children under the age of 13 should be closely observed and monitored when playing on games, especially those with chat functions. This is to protect your child and those that they interact with.
If you would like to discuss any of this further, or would like support or advice on setting up parental controls on games and devices for you children, do not hesitate to contact me through the school office.
Miss Forbes
E-Safety Co-ordinator
Hatton Class Heroes assemble
In Hatton Class this half term we have been thinking about Heroes.
What makes a hero?
What Superpower would you like to have?
We have thought about the heroes that help us when there is an emergency and our everyday heroes.
Rowington Class
Rowington Class had a great time during our Real Gym demonstration. We used lots of different apparatus to test out all our different balances. We showed great perseverance and determination.
Honiley class
Year 2 have been focusing on the religion Islam in their RE lessons this term. They are very proud of the prayer mats that they designed. They were challenged to create a symmetrical pattern. We think they look wonderful!
With very best wishes for a lovely weekend,
Tracey Webb, Head of School