Newsletter Issue 15
Ferncumbe Friday
Friday 3rd May 2019
easter service at forest school
As the Summer Term begins I thought I would share with you a couple of photos from our end of term Easter celebration at Forest School. Years 5 and 6 were extremely busy, along with Mrs Nicholls and her team of parent helpers, to prepare Stations of the Cross in advance of our Easter Service in the forest. Each imaginative station represented an image of Jesus Christ during the lead up of his crucifixion, and some of our older pupils spoke eloquently and informatively about each depiction. Worship Group helped to lead the service and read their own, especially written prayer. The school sang their favourite Easter hymn with great enthusiasm before Reverend Keith rounded off the service with a lively blessing, whilst the whole time the forest being bathed in sunlight! It was a truly special occasion - thank you for the positive feedback we received by some of those adults who attended.
Jesus in the temple turning over the tables!
Donations of waterproofs welcome!
Older children in KS2 are in desperate need of extra sets of waterproofs for their visits to Forest School. If you have any spare which you would like to donate, please do send them into school where they will be put to good use! Thank you.
forest school volunteers needed
If you are able to offer help to support with Forest School on a Tuesday or Wednesday, for a morning or afternoon session, please do get in touch with the school office who will pass on your details to Mrs Nicholls (our Forest School leader).
school lunches after half-term
After half-term (week beginning Monday 3rd June) all children in school who have school lunches will be able to choose daily from the hot (red option) meal, a copy of which you were emailed last term, or a deli-bag option. Deli-bags (a healthy packed lunch alternative) proved very popular last Summer yet there were some concerns from the children around the amount of packaging used. A representative from Educaterers, and Lisa from our Ferncumbe kitchen, visited the School Council meeting yesterday to talk about some of the changes they have been able to make in response to issues the children raised. The deli-bag which is to be introduced is minimally smaller, both recyclable and compostable and the children will now be able to choose freely from a selection of crudites, rather than having them prepackaged in advance.
These are the deli-bag options, which run on a 3-weekly cycle. Teachers do always run through the options for lunch first thing in the morning so that the children are able to make an informed choice.
messages from Warwickshire School Health & Well-being Service
Warwickshire School Health & Wellbeing Service and Warwickshire Young Persons Substance Misuse Service has launched a new way for parents and carers of school aged children to get confidential advice and support about child health related issues. ChatHealth is an award-winning school nurse messaging service and is available Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm. There will be automatic bounce-back responses to incoming messages out of hours. Answering the text message will be a nurse who can assist with any queries about general health, child development, behaviour, toileting and emotional health and wellbeing issues. The text number is 07520 619 376.
The opportunity to discuss any health issues relating to your child is always available and the School Health and Wellbeing Service can be contacted on 03300 245 204.
Oral health
According to Public Health England almost a quarter of 5 year olds have tooth decay with an average 3 or 4 teeth being affected. Prevention is always better than cure, therefore please encourage and supervise your child/ren to clean their teeth twice a day and ensure they visit the dentist for a check-up every 6 months even if there are no problems with their teeth. NHS dental care for children under 18 is free. Children should also limit sugary food intake as we know that sugar harms teeth. You can speak to your Dentist if you have any concerns about your child's oral health. The opportunity to discuss any health issues relating to your child is always available and the School Health and Wellbeing Service can be contacted on 03300 245 204 or confidentially text ChatHealth Parentline on 07520 619 376.
With best wishes for a lovely bank holiday weekend,
Tracey Webb, Deputy Headteacher