Newsletter Issue 12
ferncumbe friday
Friday 8th March 2019
Lent 2019 - 40 acts Generosity Challenge
This week in assembly Miss Morris presented the whole school with a challenge for Lent, but with a twist - nobody was asked to give anything up!
Miss Morris shared with everyone the 40 acts generosity challenge, a challenge which invited us all to do Lent a bit differently. Traditionally, Lent is marked by giving something up, but what if we could do more than that? What if Lent was preparation for a lifetime of generosity and serving others? During the forty days of Lent, children and adults in school will be invited to take part in some simple acts of generosity which will challenge them to ‘do Lent generously’ in 2019. You can find out all about the challenge at, and the challenge card summary is below for your information.
Each class will be discussing the various acts of kindness , so do ask your child which challenges they have taken on. They might ask you if they are able to bring in a contribution for a local food bank, or you may even get a surprise… take a look at number 14! We do thank you in advance for your support with this.
The big umbrella
We are incredibly fortunate that Coventry and Warwickshire MIND, part of a leading mental health charity, is running an initiative in school which is designed with young people to promote positive mental health The ‘Big Umbrella’ project will kick off with a whole school assembly on Friday 22nd March. This might be the first some of our children will have heard about mental health and the charity’s aim is to raise awareness and talk openly about it. The assembly will explore what mental health, emotional wellbeing and resilience is, and provide a brief focus on coping mechanisms.
World book day
The children had a fantastic surprise on arriving at school yesterday morning when they realised that all of the adults had transformed into characters from Harry Potter! You may have spotted on Twitter how much pupils enjoyed buddying up with other classes to share quotes and favourite books.
farmers’ market postponed
Regrettably, we have taken the decision to postpone our Farmers’ Market in July, along with cancelling the Summer fete, because of the building of our new permanent classroom which is due to commence in April. In the short-term the building work will impact on access to our Victorian Garden, and on the amount of space we will have available for hosting such large scale events.
We do, however, have some other ideas in the pipeline, which are dependent on the amount of space taken up by the building work. We will let you know about them as soon as we know the space we have available.
How many Ferncumbe children and adults can you spot in the most recent Warwickshire Music promotional film?!
holy trinity church - musical events
On the 13th April Holy Trinity is also hosting a singing workshop, from 2pm - 4pm, for children from the age of 5 years - 11 years. Refreshments will be provided.
You will know that we welcome feedback on any issues you experience to do with school. We ask that you complete the questionnaire on Ofsted’s Parent View at a time convenient to yourself, by following the link…
Additionally, we encourage you to talk to class teachers or email school directly with any concerns or positive feedback you may have.
inset days 2019 - 2020
The following are some advance dates for your diary. Please note the INSET Days which have been set for the 2019 - 2020 academic year:
Monday 2nd and Tuesday 3rd September 2019
Monday 7th October 2019
Monday 6th January 2020
With best wishes for a lovely weekend,
Tracey Webb, Deputy Headteacher