Newsletter Issue 16
Ferncumbe Friday
Friday 25th May 2018
'Friendship' focus week
Our Focus Week during the week after half term (week beginning Monday 4th June) will centre on 'Friendship'. Children will be involved in a variety of activities relating to this theme throughout the week. Parents are warmly invited into school to work alongside their child during a shared lesson on Thursday 7th June 2018, from 9-10 am.
News just in!
Look at that concentration!
Congratulations to our Year 6 'Maths Challenge Team' who represented Ferncumbe at Warwick University today. They came a fantastic 4th out of 36 local primary school teams, and were congratulated for their independent work. What an amazing achievement!
Congratulations on an awesome achievement!
Shrewley and rowington visit compton verney
Shrewley and Rowington classes had a fun day out to Compton Verney on Wednesday. They had the opportunity to walk around the art galleries looking for and sketching shapes, patterns and textures in paintings, artefacts and architecture. They learnt about some of the inspirations behind the famous print designer, Enid Marx and used similar inspirations to have a go at their own screen printing. Both classes are hoping to share and display some of their printing in school next half term.
Thank you to our parent volunteers who came along to help.
Mrs Foss and Miss Forbes
As outlined in the previous newsletter, a reminder that children in Years 3,4,5 and 6 will have the choice of the hot meal (red choice on the menu) or deli-bag option (blue choice on the menu) after half term. Children will make their choice on a daily basis, after the register is taken.
Please do discuss the options with your child. These can be found by following the link and scrolling down to the bottom of the page. They will also be displayed in each classroom.
gardening update
Was it goodbye to all those lovely sunflower seedlings this week? No, just 'au revoir' until we see them again all grown up and splendid at the Ferncumbe Farmers' Market on Friday 29th June.
It's over to you children and parents to nurture and tend. Who can grow the best sunflowers Hatton has seen and return them on that day for judging in many different categories?
Now we turn our attention to the tomato growers. We can announce that every group that planted different tomatoes have had success, with tiny seedlings straining towards the sunshine in my greenhouse. The group with the most prolific seedlings at the moment are the Hammerhead Sharks. We think that by next week we should be able to bring them in to pot on.
Sharon & Pip.
music opportunities
This week, children in Years 2, 3, 4 and 5 have had the pleasure of seeing the current woodwind and violin students perform in an assembly. These assemblies enabled the children who have been learning how to play these instruments to show what they have learnt, and hopefully, have inspired more children to want to take part in these lessons in September. Emails have been sent out to all parents and if you are interested, please contact the office.
Please note that all new learners signing up for this music tuition can hire their instrument free of charge for the first year, if they do not already have one.
MESSAGE FROM BRIGADE (school uniform provider)
Please follow the link to see information from The Brigade Team...
calling all singers!
Jeremy Dibb, Warwickshire Music Director, is leading the brand new Warwickshire Children's Chorus - their very first rehearsal was a few weeks ago in Warwick.
Although rehearsals are in the in the central area, Warwickshire Children's Chorus is open to all children in Key Stage 2 (aged 7 - 11) from across the county.
Unlike a lot of choirs, rehearsals are once every half term, not weekly. The next rehearsal is tomorrow, Saturday 26th May, from 10.00am - 12.30pm at Warwick Hall, Warwick School, CV34 6PP.
There is a big concert lined up for December, and an even bigger one at the University of Warwick Arts Centre on Friday 15th March 2019.
The Warwickshire Children's Chorus is non-auditioning and is all about the sheer joy of singing together.
Why not give it a try ?
Help UK Air Ambulance Services by recycling your Used Postage Stamps
Please help raise funds through the recycling of postage stamps. All funds raised will be donated to the Association of Air Ambulances to be distributed equally to all UK Air Ambulance Services. Whether they're British or overseas, new or used, send your stamps to us and we'll turn them into funds to keep the UK Air Ambulance Services responding to life threatening medical emergencies. All you need to do is cut or carefully tear the stamped corner from any envelope or packet that you receive in the post and start a collection. Once you have a large bundle, bag them up and send them to us at the below address:
Air Ambulance Appea
59 Mitre Copse
Near Eastleigh
SO50 8QE
With best wishes for an enjoyable half-term break,
Tracey Webb, Deputy Headteacher