Newsletter Issue 14


Friday 27th April 2018

Lowsonford's Computing Workshop Day


On Friday 20th April King Edward VI School in Stratford welcomed Lowsonford Class to their new computer suite for a fun-filled computer workshop.

Under the guidance of Head of Computer Science, Richard Barfoot, we started off by learning a little bit of magic with some cards! Then we went on to use Scratch and Inkscape to write and use some computer algorithms. We were introduced to some new computer jargon and learnt the difference between two types of computer image build-up – vector and bitmap.

After a break for lunch by the RSC we went back and were able to have a go at programming some little two-wheeled robots. We got them to start, stop and turn. We also tried to get them to travel for a specific distance and to move round in a perfect square!

It was a very enjoyable day and we learnt a lot using their excellent resources.

We were complimented by Mr Barfoot on our excellent behaviour and listening skills.


Here are some thoughts from the class, following our visit...

'Interesting. We learnt how to program a robot.' - Joe

'Fascinating. We learnt some new computer vocabulary.' – Sophie

'Positive. We learnt that there are two ways for a computer to draw pictures.' – Annabel.

'Exciting. We learnt a lot, including different computer jargon.' – Molly

'Unforgettable. We learnt the difference between vectors and bitmaps.' – Kate


Lowsonford Class

Water Bottles and Sun Hats


During the warmer weather (we hope it returns soon!) please do ensure that your child brings a sun hat and water bottle to school each day. For added protection please apply sun cream in the mornings.


Congratulations to some of our Year 6 footballers who won the 5-a-side competition between six local primary school teams this week. Well done!


Class Newsletter Updates

Please do take some time to read the updated class newsletters on the school website, which gives details of the learning taking place this term. Each class has its own section under 'Curriculum'...

Warwickshire Federation of WIs Environment Day


On Wednesday 25th April four Lowsonford pupils went with Mr B. to speak at The Warwickshire Federation of WIs Environment Day at Rowington Village Hall.

As we showed a Powerpoint presentation, the children talked to an audience of about 60 ladies about our school garden, our chickens, cooking in our enrichment group and our Farmers’ Markets.

The children all spoke very confidently and clearly and were complimented on how well they represented the school. They made me feel very proud to have chosen them to take; they were a credit to the school. On returning to school in the afternoon, we received an e-mail from a lady who had been in the audience saying how impressed she was with their enthusiasm and confidence and that she would like to attend our next Farmers’ Market.

Well done,

Mr B

Date for the Diary

Sunday 24th June 2018 is the date set for our Ferncumbe Summer Fete. It promises to be a fantastic afternoon, so please make every effort to keep the date free!



£25 includes -

6 weeks of tennis coaching
A racket
Personalised t-shirt

For children aged 4-11 years

Book online and type in Cv34 6hx


Our philosophy at Khalsa Juniors Football Club is to encourage young players to experience different positions so that they can become comfortable with various aspects of football. This helps young players gain an understanding of the complexities of each position to better support their teammates and ensures that every child has the opportunity to play. We are currently looking to expand our teams to allow more U9 players to experience our football philosophy and player development. To attend one of our open training sessions and for further details please contact:

Nav Bains Tel: 07305 064087


Training: Sydenham Primary School, Tuesday & Thursday 6pm – 7pm

Matches: Saturday 10:00am – 11:30am U9’s -

Current school year 4 / DOB between 01/09/2008 – 31/08/2009

With best wishes for a lovely weekend,

Tracey Webb, Deputy Headteacher

Staff Ferncumbe