Newsletter Issue 2

Ferncumbe Friday

Friday 27th September 2024

Head’s Message

What a delightful few weeks we've had at our school! It's been a joy to see our community come together and our pupils thrive in various activities. I'm excited to share some of the wonderful happenings with you all.

First and foremost, I must express my heartfelt gratitude for the tremendous turnout at our recent Friends event. The warm evening provided the perfect backdrop for a lovely gathering, and it was particularly special to welcome back so many of our Year 7 pupils. Their enthusiasm in sharing their experiences at high school was truly heartwarming. Your support helped us raise an impressive £600 – a big thank you to our fantastic Friends of the School and to everyone who attended. Your generosity never ceases to amaze me!

I'm thrilled to announce that our sports clubs are now in full swing. It's wonderful to see our pupils embracing physical activity and teamwork with such gusto. The energy and excitement on the playing fields are palpable, and I'm confident these clubs will continue to foster a love for sports and healthy living among our children.

In exciting news for our budding musicians, we've launched a choir in collaboration with Warwickshire Youth Choir. While we're off to a promising start, we're keen to welcome more members. Not only will this enrich our musical offerings, but it will also help reduce the cost for participating families. If your child has a passion for singing, do encourage them to join – it's a fantastic opportunity to develop their musical talents and build confidence. There is currently an option of a free taster session, please see the details in the letter that previously went out.

One of my personal highlights has been the re-introduction of 'Afternoon Tea with Miss Morris' on Fridays. Following our achievement assembly, I have the pleasure of sitting down with some of our star pupils to celebrate their accomplishments. These intimate gatherings are more than just a reward; they're an opportunity for us to get to know each other better, share stories, and build meaningful relationships. It's been an absolute delight to learn more about our pupils' aspirations, interests, and the unique perspectives they bring to our school community.

As we move forward, I'm filled with optimism about the vibrant learning environment we're nurturing together. Your continued support and engagement play a crucial role in making our school a place where every child can flourish. Let's keep this wonderful momentum going!

Thank you for your ongoing partnership in your children's education. Here's to many more exciting adventures and achievements in the weeks to come!

Warmest regards,

Sally Morris


our school vision

Reading volunteers

We are looking for volunteers to read with children in classes across the school. If you or someone you know would be able to come in to school for an hour or two on a regular basis to help, we would love to hear from you! Please contact the school office if you are able to help.

A warm welcome


My name is Naomi Neale and I am The Ferncumbe's new SENDco. I have over ten years experience of the SENDco role within one of our other MAT schools and continue to support them alongside The Ferncumbe. I will be working on Thursdays and I look forward to getting to know you all.

Best wishes

Naomi Neale

Lowsonford Class Residential September 2024

Last week, Lowsonford Class were an absolute pleasure to take away on our residential trip. We visited Boundless Outdoors Centre in Malvern. The children took part in many different activities including rock climbing, zip wires, high bridges, crate stacking, kayaking, orienteering and an evening walk over the Malvern Hills. Our aims were team building, supporting each other and to challenge themselves! They certainly did all of that in so many ways from the activities to making beds and making their own lunch! A huge thank you to Mrs Eaves and Mrs Jukes who gave up their time to accompany Lowsonford Class and myself; I am really grateful.

Mrs White

Healthy Snacks and Packed Lunches

As we continue to nurture our pupils' growth and development, I'd like to draw your attention to an important aspect of their daily routine – snacks. Most children need a little boost during morning break to keep them energised and focused throughout the day.

We're encouraging our pupils to bring in healthy snacks that are rich in vitamins and minerals, without added salt, fat or sugar. These nutritious choices not only contribute to their recommended five daily portions of fruit and vegetables but also help maintain alertness and concentration.

To support this initiative, we're working alongside our pupils to promote healthier snack choices and reduce food packaging waste. We kindly ask that snacks be provided in small, named, recyclable containers. It's worth noting that children in EYFS and KS1 already receive a free daily fruit or vegetable snack courtesy of the government, so additional snacks may not be necessary for these age groups.

For those sending in snacks, we recommend sticking to the following options:

  • Colourful vegetable sticks (celery, cucumber, peppers, carrots)

  • A piece of cheddar cheese or babybel

  • Fresh or dried fruit (pineapple, mango, kiwi, plain raisins, apricots, blueberries, banana slices)

  • Bread sticks, plain pretzels, banana bread, malt loaf, oat/rice cakes, small pitta breads

  • Homemade snacks like flapjacks or other oat/whole grain-based treats (must be nut-free)

We're aiming for a common-sense approach – the key is to keep it healthy, avoiding chocolate, sweets, and crisps. It's crucial to carefully check any items brought into school to ensure they are nut-free, as we have pupils with severe nut allergies.

Staying hydrated is equally important. Please ensure your child brings a named water bottle to school daily. Please note that squash and fruit juice are not permitted.

By working together, we can help our children develop healthy eating habits that become a natural part of their everyday lives. Establishing these habits early on and keeping high-calorie snacks to a minimum can significantly improve a child's quality of life, both now and in the future.

We appreciate your support in this endeavour. By fostering these positive choices, we're not just nourishing their bodies, but also setting the foundation for lifelong healthy habits. Together, we can make a real difference in our children's wellbeing and future success.

 Packed Lunches

We would like lunch boxes to reflect a healthy balanced meal. There are currently no government regulations regarding the contents of children’s packed lunches. However the British Nutrition Foundation produced a set of guidelines recommending what should be included in lunch boxes to provide them with a healthy meal.

The recommended contents of a healthy lunch box are:

  • A good portion of starchy food e.g. wholegrain roll, thick slice of bread, pitta pocket, plain cracker, pasta or rice salad.

  • Plenty of fruit and vegetables e.g. an apple, satsuma, handful of cherry tomatoes or carrot sticks, mini can of fruit chunks (decanted into a plastic container), small box of raisins

  • A portion of milk or dairy food e.g. individual cheese portion, pot of yogurt.

  • A small portion of lean meat, fish or alternative e.g. 2 slices of ham, quorn, cheese, tuna, egg or hummus.

  • A drink e.g. small carton of fruit juice, no added sugar fruit squash. Water is provided.

  • One small packet of crisps, a fruit scone or portion of malt loaf, a small cake or biscuit may also be included (please avoid chocolate as much as possible).

Halloween Disco

We can’t wait to see all of Ferncumbe’s Finest Ghosts and Goblins at the Halloween Disco on Saturday 19th October!

There are two sessions to choose from. We strongly recommend that Key Stage 1 children (Reception, Years 1 and 2) attend the first session (4-5:30pm) and Key Stage 2 children (Years 3 to 6) attend the second session (6-7:30). Each child may only attend one session as spaces are limited.

This event is for Ferncumbe students only. Tickets must be purchased in advance by Wednesday 16th October. No tickets will be sold at the door. Children must be supervised by a named adult who will STAY at Hatton Park Village Hall during the full session. One adult may be named for up to five children, so groups of friends can coordinate. For more details and to buy tickets:

Online Safety

We are fortunate to be affiliated with Knowsley City Learning Centres who provide free online information and training. Please see the details below for their upcoming session related to online safety.

Please find below the link to access the parent/carer session scheduled for Wednesday 2nd October 2024 – 4pm – 4.45pm

 Attendees do not need to register, simply click on the link at the above time to access the session.  Cameras and voice/audio will be switched off for all attendees.  Attendees can ask questions by typing in the Q&A box, but this will be explained during the session.

The event will be streamed using Teams.  Attendees can watch the live event in:

·       Teams app—desktop (Windows or Mac) or mobile. (The Teams app is free to download if attendees would like to do that beforehand).

·       If they don't have Teams they can access it via one of the following browsers - Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Firefox.

As a reminder, this session (and all virtual sessions) will be recorded and will be subsequently shared.

A Message from Rev Ann

Welcome back to school. I hope you’ve all had a wonderful summer and are refreshed for the year ahead.

It was great to see Miss Morris and Mr Byrom and many school families at our first Breakfast church.

The next one is Harvest Breakfast Church on Sunday 20th October at Hatton church at 10am. 

We start with breakfast of bacon butties or croissants, tea/coffee, then a short time of singing, story and prayer, and then breakout into activities, choosing from: craft, discussion, quiet meditative prayer, prayer walk outside. 

All are welcome - we’d love to see you there.

We’re really looking forward to welcoming the children in church at the school Harvest Service later on in the term and meeting the Reception parents - do stay afterwards for a cuppa.

Before then is the Harvest Festival flowers at Haseley Church 12th and 13th October 10am - 4pm. Come along to our beautiful church and see the flowers and pumpkins, and have some tea and cake.

I hope you're all settling in to the new school term and enjoy being together again. I’m looking forward to seeing you at school events this year and looking forward to a wonderful year.

Swimming Taster Session

Leamington Swimming are holding a free session to look at children to join their unique Achievers Scheme and start their journey to competitive swimming. Please see the flyer below for more details.

Maths Homework - MyMaths

Please see the letter (which came as an email on Wednesday 11th September) explaining the new maths homework your child will be receiving. This will be using MyMaths. Your child has been sent home with a letter explaining their log in details. We encourage you to watch the video that is referred to in the letter. Once they have completed their homework, support your child to have a go at the maths games.

Diary dates

Parents Evenings will be Wednesday 23rd October 2024 and Thursday 24th October 2024.

A reminder that Friday 25th October 2024 is designated as a school INSET Day.


Please do refer to class pages on the school website (under the ‘Curriculum’ tab) for a detailed update on what your child/ren will be learning this term.

With very best wishes for a lovely weekend,

Sally Morris, Head Teacher

Staff Ferncumbe