Newsletter Issue 16

Ferncumbe Friday

Friday 14th June 2024

Goodbye Mrs Reid

It was with a mixture of gratitude and sadness that last Tuesday we said goodbye to Mrs Reid. As Ferncumbe's Inclusion Manager, she has been a cornerstone of our school community for many years. Mrs Reid's commitment to fostering an environment where all pupils can thrive has left an indelible mark.

Whilst we will deeply miss Mrs Reid's presence, we are grateful for the profound contributions she has made to our school. Her legacy will, I know, continue to inspire us all.

Mrs Webb

We look forward to seeing you…

year 5 football match

What a result Year 5! The Year 5 boys football team pulled out all the stops in their match against St Anthony’s on Friday 24th May, winning 4-2. I was welcomed into the classroom with an excited buzz and tales of who scored, great tackles and near misses. A big well done to all the boys who represented the Ferncumbe, the excellent teamwork and our 4 goal scorers! 

year 3/4 football match

Well played Year 3/4! The Year 3/4 boys footballers played their match against St Anthony’s on Friday 7th June. You showed such amazing teamwork throughout the match, supporting each other and trying so hard. St Anthony’s scored early and Ferncumbe equalised with 5 minutes left. There was great celebrations but unfortunately St Anthony’s scored another 2 goals, winning 3-1. A great effort boys, you should all be proud of yourselves.

Mrs Eaves

Ferncumbe Book Fair

Ferncumbe will be hosting a book fair from Hunt’s Independent Bookshop in the week of the 24th June. Due to your incredible generosity in supporting last year’s fair, we earned over £350 in credit to purchase books at trade cost. This has enabled us to increase our range of high-quality books which has boosted reading for pleasure across the school.  

The book fair will be open for you and your children to attend and purchase books in the school hall on Tuesday 25th and Thursday 27th June from 3.30-5pm. Payments can be made by cash or card. 

If you are unable to attend but your child would like to purchase a book, please send in cash in a named envelope during the week of 24th June and they will be guided by their teacher to purchase their book(s). Please note that this is for purchasing books only and not items of stationery.

I hope you agree that this is a great opportunity to find your child’s new favourite read whilst supporting the school to purchase books for our library.

Many thanks for your support,

Miss Reid

lowsonford’s residential

Year 6 have had the most amazing time away this week on their residential trip to Boundless Outdoors in Malvern. They have shown resilience, independence and perseverance in abundance and most certainly developed their team work skills. From making their own beds, tidying rooms and carefully preparing their lunches to rock climbing, kayaking and walking the Malvern hills, the trip really was fun-filled, adventurous and exhausting!

A huge thank you to Mrs White, Mrs Eaves and Mr Jones for giving up their own time to take the children away for an unforgettable trip.

Mrs Webb

Message from Rev Ann

It was great to see all the children and many parents in church at the iSingPop concerts. The children sang and danced beautifully - well done and thank you to everyone. We were so grateful and blessed to Emma Kenyon from iSingPop and Coventry Diocese (Church of England Coventry) for coming along and teaching us the songs and leading the concert. Her energy was incredible.

If you missed out or would like to join in with more singing and dancing Emma is coming along to our first POP UP TEA TIME CHURCH at Hatton church on Sunday 23rd June from 4-5pm. We’ll eat cake, drink tea or squash, sing songs, do craft and have lots of fun.

All are welcome to come along.

We’re also looking for families and children to be part of our team to plan and run more of these POP UP CHURCH events so if you’re like to get involved please do get in touch with me at

We also have our regular Breakfast Church on Sunday 16th June at 10-11am where we sing the iSingPop songs too. We’d love you to come along.

It’d be great to see you soon.

God bless, Rev Ann

With very best wishes for a lovely weekend,

Tracey Webb, Head of School

Staff Ferncumbe