Newsletter Issue 6
Ferncumbe Friday
Friday 23rd November 2018
launch of eco-schools at ferncumbe
Last week, Mrs Grier launched Eco-Schools, with a meeting welcoming the 16 voted Eco-Monitors - two members from each year group, and six Year 6 Eco-Leaders. During the meeting, the group discussed their role around school and received their gold badges.
The Year 6 leaders then undertook the task of completing the Environmental Review, which is step two of Eco-Schools, after forming a committee. It looks at the key areas of school life and the children’s education – Biodiversity, Energy, Global Citizenship, Healthy Living, Litter, Marine, School Grounds, Transport, Waste and Water. Having worked on this, we have noticed that we do some things well, but there is so much yet to do, which will form the basis of our action plan.
The group were excited to begin, and we shall be meeting approximately every 2 weeks. We would love to hear from any parents who feel they may have something to offer in this area, but most importantly, please keep the conversation open at home and help us with any requests, ideas or events that we may organise. Thank you!
Mrs Grier
lowsonford class visit the imperial War Museum, London
Wednesday 14th November 2018
Dear Diary,
I had an amazing day today! I’ve just got back from my school trip to London to see the Imperial War Museum (IWM). I woke up at 6am and got to school just in time at 7am to go to London!
When we were in London we saw amazing things like Big Ben, The Royal Chelsea Hospital, Downing Street and Westminster Abbey!
As we arrived at the Imperial War Museum we saw two naval guns and the Weeping Window poppy display. We walked into the IWM and saw planes, tanks and guns that were used in wars around the world.
On display we saw a button which a German fighter and an English soldier had swapped with each other. My favourite room was the Secret War room where we got to see spy gadgets that were used in WW1 and WW2, including the Enigma machine.
We saw a secondary source of a replica trench which we were allowed to walk through and experience what it would be like living part of our life in the trenches while fighting in WW1. We also saw the uniforms they would have worn and we ended up wearing them too!
We went home on the coach and we ate our lunch, I could feel my eyes closing with tiredness after my busy day in London.
By Jessica
wroxall class visit the national space centre
On Monday 12th November, Year 5 went to the Space Centre. While there we learnt lots of amazing facts and also had lots of fun.
After the coach journey, we went to the 'how to be an astronaut' section. This bit was really exciting as there were loads of hands on things to do. After this we went to the planetarium to have a night sky tour. We got to use the little panel of buttons to decide what we wanted to learn about.
Next the class went to the Space Race section where the rocket is. There we learnt more about the 'Space Race' between Russia and the USA. This bit also included a few hands on things too.
Then we went to the section about stars, here there were loads of interactive things to do. Then we went to the space oddities section and learnt about space toilets!! Finally, we went to the solar system section.
It was really good. I would definitely recommend it!
By Katy
Summer Science Selfie Competition – Belated Congratulations!
As well as being a tongue twister, the summer competition was a great success. 18 pupils entered, bringing in photos of their exploits over the holidays. Science areas explored ranged from caves, turbines, rainbows and space shuttles, to endangered species, a moulting tarantula, desalination and fossils.
We heard all about the selfies in assembly and all the pupils who entered received a certificate, balloon and science postcard. All the selfies were displayed for the first half term, but the overall winner was William in Year 2! He received an electronics kit for his range of experiments including slime and crystal making, sun bleaching, fruit electronics and microscope work!
A big thank you and congratulations to all the pupils who took part and made the competition a success.
Mrs Grier
a thank you from hatton class!
Hatton Class were delighted this week to take delivery of five enormous boxes. The boxes contained a variety of super, new wooden blocks for us to use in our outdoor area. The blocks that we currently use will be used by the whole school during lunchtime break as they are a very popular activity which are always used very creatively.
We would like to say a huge 'thank you' to 'The Friends of Ferncumbe' for purchasing such a fabulous resource for our youngest children. They will be very well used and we plan to take very good care of our new blocks! Thank you.
author visit
Last Wednesday the children in Reception and KS1 enjoyed a visit from children's author Alina Crisan, who wrote "Professor Broccoli's ABC Adventure at the Zoo”. She read the book to the children and described the characters. She has even suggested that Year 2 could send her some of their stories to read in the future!
calling all sewers!
Are you able to use a sewing machine? Can you spare an hour or two sewing together a few costumes? If you can, please contact Angela Russell or the school office to offer help in sewing costumes for the Years 2-6 Christmas play. The material will be cut ready for sewing.
If you have costumes from previous years for which you no longer have use, please feel free to donate them to school - they will be gratefully received! Also, if you have any spare, white bed sheets which you are willing to donate, these would be much appreciated to be used for costumes.
Thank you!
lunchtime changes
As the weather gets colder and wetter the field is no longer an option for the children to play on at lunchtime. Space is limited on our playground so we will be moving to split lunchtime arrangements to ensure the safety of all children. This worked successfully last year, with the children spending approximately 20 minutes of their lunchtime outside, 20 minutes eating and 20 minutes indoors. They will be offered a range of activities throughout the week, whilst enjoying some of their lunch hour in classrooms.
Alcohol awareness week - 19th-25th November
This week is to remind us of the impact alcohol has on people, including young children! Alcohol is a part of many of our lives. We use it for celebration, for comfort, to socialise, to wind down, and to cope. It’s legal, socially acceptable, even encouraged. Yet every year in the UK alcohol-related harm leads to thousands of lives lost, and hundreds of thousands more damaged.
If you have any concerns please contact Warwickshire School Health and Wellbeing Service on 0300 245 204 opt 2 or TEXT CHATHEALTH parent line on 07520619376
For more information and support please visit or
anti-bullying booklet
Last week all children in school will have brought home an anti-bullying booklet (purchased by school and pictured above). The guide is intended as a comprehensive and accessible source of information for parents and carers, providing quick checklists, explanations, case studies, top tips and useful contacts. Please do take the time to read through the booklet and discuss anything you feel helpful with your child/ren.
Holy Trinity Church
Please Join us for Advent Fun at the Christingle, Crafts and Christmas Tree Festival on Sunday 9th December.
Following the success of a similar event in 2016, Holy Trinity Church, Hatton are once again hosting a Christingle, Crafts and Christmas Tree Festival on Sunday 9th December, for which children from Ferncumbe will be making Christingles and tree decorations at school in the week before.
The family Christingle Service is at 10 am, and will be followed by the children’s crafts and tree festival event running from 11.30am to 3.30pm. We warmly invite all Ferncumbe families to join us in the very special atmosphere of the tree and music-filled church.
Local businesses and community organisations kindly sponsor and decorate trees which will be displayed in the church during advent, starting with the event on 9th December. The trees are 4ft real trees in stumps supplied by Barn Close Nurseries and sponsorship cost is £35 for businesses and £20 for charitable/community organisations.
If you have (or know someone who has) a business or organisation you would like promote in the local area (or if you would like to help with craft activities), please email, we can always find space for that extra special tree (and you can take it away with you later).
‘She Rallies'
Chase Meadow Community Centre, over the next few weeks
What is 'She Rallies'? ‘She Rallies’ is a mix of multi skills, multi sports, hand eye coordination, team games and more
Who is it suitable for? It’s for girls aged 4-10 years, and it’s about building girls confidence in sport, and the love of sport
Where is it? It’s indoors at Chase Meadow Community Centre, Warwick, on Tuesdays 3.45-4.45pm
How do I sign up? Just turn up or contact Lianne Candappa 07919104093 or
I have an older daughter, can she join in? We are looking for girls aged 11+ to come and help volunteer and also gain confidence
What does my daughter need to bring? Trainers, drink, and £1
Calling all enthusiastic singers!
With best wishes for a lovely weekend,
Tracey Webb, Deputy Headteacher