Newsletter Issue 7
Ferncumbe Friday
Friday 15th December 2017
Baa... Baa... Bethlehem
Despite several 'weather related' interruptions to the last minute rehearsal schedule, Years 2-6 succeeded in putting on a series of truly terrific performances of ’Baa... Baa... Bethlehem’ this week at the Village Hall. Year 6 led the way with their amazing acting skills, and Years 2-5 were equally impressive with their enthusiastic singing and entertaining dance moves! We were so proud of them all.
We are now looking forward to next week’s ‘Shine Star, Shine’ by Year 1 and Reception!
message from 'the friends of ferncumbe'
The Friends of Ferncumbe would like to say a huge ‘thank you’ to all of the families at Ferncumbe School for your support with our fundraising activities since the start of this school year. From the BBQ and Movie Night, through to Christmas Cards, Calendar and Christmas play DVD orders, the support this year has been fantastic. Even without the final total for the Calendars and DVDs, we have already raised over £1,200 since September, with two potential match funding grants to come.
This is a great start and just as well as we have set ourselves some quite challenging funding goals this year, such as:
- We have agreed a target of contributing £4,000 towards the schools big fundraising goal to buy new netbooks to replace the old, rather worn out ones.
- We have donated funds to Forest School to buy new all-in-one splash suits for KS1 pupils.
- We will continue to support KS2 ‘Enrichment’ activities.
- We will continue to support our other regular funding activities, such as paying for the coaches for the pupils to get to Christmas Theatre Trips, Christmas gifts from Santa for each pupil and the Year 6 Leavers party.
All of the money raised goes towards these great initiatives and more, which is why we really appreciate all of your support.
The KS1 Forest School all-in-one splash suits!
Upcoming Dates for the Diary:
As always, we have a full calendar of events for the rest of the Academic Year. As in previous years, we have the very popular School Disco on 9th February and family-favourite Easter Bingo on 16th March. To help us reach (if not smash!) our big fundraising target, we also have 2 NEW EVENTS for 2018:
- Quiz Night - Friday 2nd February 2018
- Spring Ball 2018 (Date TBC)
These new events are for the adults only so mark the dates in your diaries, book a babysitter and we’ll send on more details in the new year.
Wishing you all a very merry Christmas and a very happy new year.
Very many thanks, The Friends of Ferncumbe.
primary school performance tables 2017
Yesterday saw the release of the national Primary School Performance Tables for 2017. Whilst the success of a school depends on so much more than a set of results, I thought it worth highlighting a few key areas.
In terms of attainment at the end of Key stage 2, Ferncumbe sits comfortably in the top 20% of the 224 primary schools across Warwickshire. Average progress measures in Reading, Writing and Maths for pupils from Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2 put our school in the top 15% in Warwickshire. 100% of children achieved the expected standard at the end of Year 6 in 'Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar', with 47% achieving at the higher level.
Further details can be found on our Website, which also provides a link to the national performance tables:
We are also delighted to share that we are one of the only Primary Schools in our local area to have achieved positive progress measures from the end of KS1 to the end of KS2 across Reading, Writing and Maths:
recent weather conditions
Many thanks for bearing with us at the beginning of the week, during the adverse weather conditions. We were pleased that we could re-open for pupils on Tuesday.
A timely reminder that if we need to close school we will, in the first instance, contact 'Warwickshire County Council School Closures'. Details can be found on the following link, where you can also subscribe to text and Twitter alerts...
The school website will also immediately be updated, once the decision has been made, so please do check the homepage.
May I take the opportunity of wishing all members of The Ferncumbe Family a wonderful Christmas and New Year break.
Staff look forward to welcoming your children back to school on Monday 8th January 2018.
Best wishes,
Tracey Webb, Deputy Headteacher