Newsletter Issue 3
Ferncumbe Friday
Friday 13th October 2017
Operation christmas child
It's that time of year again! Please check your child's bag for the Samaritan's Purse leaflet telling you all about the Shoe Box Appeal. Last year, we almost made it to 100 boxes. This year, we are pushing to get 105 boxes, which is 15 boxes per class (or approximately 1 box per two children). There is no limit to how many boxes you can donate, and Miss Forbes has extra leaflets with labels if you need them! All it takes is three things:
1. You need a shoe box where the lid and box are wrapped separately and secured with an elastic band. This box is filled with goodies, treats and other essentials to make a child's Christmas a special one. If you can't fill a whole box, or don't have enough items, Year 3 will gladly take donations that can be added into other boxes or used to create other boxes in school.
2. The £5 donation. This year, it has increased from £3 to £5 to cover costs to get these boxes to where they are needed most. If you pay for your box online, you will be given a tracking code so you can find out where your box ends up.
3. Finally, we will be collecting the boxes in school in Rowington class. Please make sure all boxes are in school by November 10th!
You can visit the website ( for more information, tips and downloadable resources to help you.
Thank you in advance for all your time, effort and support,
Miss Forbes
RE and ART Focus week
You will know from the interactive website calendar that we are planning a Focus Week for the children during the first week back after half term. All children will be involved in a variety of Art and RE activities relating to the themed week. Parents are warmly invited into school to join their child(ren) in a lesson in their classroom from 9 - 10am on Thursday 2nd November. We very much look forward to seeing you if you can make it.
Sponsored Events
During Focus Week after half-term all classes will be taking part in a sponsored event of their choosing. Miss Forbes spoke to School Council yesterday about the need to replace the stock of netbooks in school, which have been extremely well-used by the children and now need updating; any money that the children raise during the week will contribute towards replacing these netbooks. Do look out for a letter before half-term which will detail the sponsored event your child's class has chosen to undertake. Attached to the letter will be a sponsor form. Many thanks in advance for your generous and invaluable support with the children's fund-raising.
harvest reminder
As per the last newsletter, which contained full details, we kindly ask that children bring in packets and tins for our Harvest Festival next Tuesday morning, 17th October. Regretfully, we are only able to invite Hatton Class parents on this occasion as lack of space means there is standing room only.
Open Fun Day
Saranne Black (Year 3) attended the open fun day at St Nicholas Park Leisure Centre last weekend, after reading about it in the newsletter. It was an amazing opportunity to meet some Olympic swimmers and try their sports including fast swimming, water polo and synchronised swimming - she even raced against them! As a synchronised swimmer herself, this was really inspiring for Saranne. Below is a photo of her with synchronised swimmers Adele Carlsen and Genevieve Randall.
governor Update
Congratulations to Craig Tomkinson, who joins the Governing Board as our new Parent Governor. Craig has hit the ground running, attending his first Board Meeting yesterday evening.
Adrian Sloan, Chair of Governors.
Best wishes for a lovely weekend.
I can't believe that half-term is already looming - it'll be Christmas before we know it!
Tracey Webb, Deputy Headteacher